How Can you Support
Central Westside
United Church?
Offering Envelopes:
Place an envelope in the offering basket when you attend service on Sunday, place an envelope in the office drop box or mail in your offering to the church address.
EFT/etransfer is available at Central Westside!
If you would like to send a payment or a donation to Central Westside electronically, please send an etransfer to office@centralwestside.ca Please be sure to include a message for what your donation is for.
PAR: How to become a PAR donor:
New PAR donors are asked to fill out the PAR authorization form, indicating how much they want to give to their community of faith and how much they would like to donate to people in need and programs that matter through Mission & Service.
Already on PAR and want to update?
Those already on PAR can easily update the amount of their gift by contacting the Church Office by email office@centralwestside.ca. Please include your name and the dollar amount you would like to increase you offering. The Church Office will forward this information to the PAR Administrator.
It’s easy at CanadaHelps! You choose how much information to share with each charity. Whether you want to give once, give monthly, or donate a security or fundraise with friends and family. At CanadaHelps you can donate online to Central Westside United Church. You can even give in tribute or in memory. And, you’ll always receive a charitable tax receipt. Click on the Donate NOW button below.